Thank You for Booking Your Session
Thank you for booking your one-on-one session.
Schedule Your Session
To schedule your one-on-one, please click through to our automated calendaring system and choose a few dates and times that work well for you. Then, submit your preferred times through the automated system. Once submitted, your selections will be sent to my inbox where I’ll be able to choose the time that works best for me and once I do, you’ll receive an e-mail confirmation of the chosen date and time.
Click here to schedule your one-on-one session.
Download the Pre-Session Questionnaire
In order for me to really make good use of our time together, it is helpful for me to understand where your business is currently at. If you could kindly download the questionnaire and e-mail it to me 3 days prior to our booked session, that will ensure that I have plenty of time to review it and prepare for our session. If I do not receive a completed questionnaire it means that I have to ask these questions during our session, which is not a great use of that time.
All completed questionnaires are 100% confidential and your responses will never be shared with anyone other than you and me.